Monday, September 22, 2008

Pregnancy Woes

The whole thing with gestational diabetes has taken an interesting turn. I went to the dr last week, and found not only had I lost 3 lbs, I had ketones in my urine.

From Wikipedia:

"Ketone bodies are three water-soluble compounds that are produced as by-products when fatty acids are broken down for energy in the liver and kidney. They are used as a source of energy in the heart and brain. In the brain, they are a vital source of energy during fasting"

It happens when either: too much insulin is produced and the cells cant get glucose, or you aren't eating enough calories , and your body turns fat to energy. The diet Ive been on is 2000 calories a day to control my blood sugar....apparently too strict. So I was told to eat more, but not told how to go about it. The I was told I still have to keep my blood sugar in the same range, but still do it with more calories. Grrrrrr...if I keep losing weight by the next dr's apt, who knows what the will do. So I have been still measuring all my portions, I haven't had caffeine in weeks, and I can smell sugar a mile away. But here is something worthwhile: a sneak preview of my baby Zane:

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

midweek update

It has been a long week already and, the week truly hasn't started yet . Fighting with the hotel over the party, talking to a lot of guests, getting the DJ squared away. Tomorrow begins the first of two straight days of medical crap, first with a critical Dr.s apt., then Thursday with a 3 hour diabetes class at the hospital. Friday will be a travel day, which will be pretty gruelling, and technically, forbidden by my Dr. ( no travel over 1 hour ANYWHERE). Adult oriented baby shower on sat, as well as party, both on top of brunch with the family. Sun. to travel home, recuperate, and get Daniel ready for next week. Whew....